Wii U Cube?


So after looking at the new wii u controller for a long while I had a thought strike me. Wouldn't the wii u controller be the best case for a gamecube portable? It is built to have the space for the screen and already has all the controller ports placed. The only problem I see is that the triggers couldn't use the potentiometer because I think they're built as straight buttons, and there might not be space for a fan. Am I horribly wrong with this idea?
I think he just is using the wii u design, not the controller itself. I believe the wii u controller is very thin and really wide, and the screen hole size would be difficult to match. It wouldn't be easy at all to make a gcp in that case without severely modifying it.
Yes. Putting a full gamecube in there may not work, it looks pretty thin. Don't quote me on anything though.
There's also the small factor that the controller isn't out yet and should cost a fortune when it is. :lol: Kinda reminds me of when I wanted to buy an atari lynx to house an n64, too thin, too expensive.
Ninty will probably drop the price of wiimotes(which will still be the controller of choice), and will make the new controller as cheap as they can (while still profiting). Bear in mind it does not render the game in the controller, it is streamed from the console. Hence the difficulty to have multiple controllers.