SNES Rev 2 Wiring Diagram

For my first actual post, I've decided to show you guys my wiring diagram I made for a SNES portable. Please note this is my first wiring diagram, so it may not look professionally planned out. I just wanted to show you what I know (Apologies for the poor quality)

Let me know if anything needs to be changed.
I approve of your post and your avatar. The diagram is very useful. The avatar is very approval-worthy.
That's a decent first try, but there are a lot of critical errors that won't let that thing even turn on.

For starters, you have your main 7805 feeding +5VDC into the SNES 7805. You could either feed the SNES 7805 the 7.4V directly, or use the other 7805 you have floating over there feed the 5V line of the SNES. You should just pick one of them, it'll work fine.

Second, I'm pretty sure that is not how power switches work.

Third, I should hope that you just forgot to include the protection circuitry you have on that battery. If you drain a Li-Po or Li-ion battery, it will catch fire. Entertaining? Yes. Good for your "portable"? No.
The 7805 from the SNES is desoldered off the board. The main 7805 is a resistor that can be found at Mouser.
The switch is to change between using the battery, or use a wall adapter (The portable is off when the switch is on wall power mode, and there is no adapter plugged in).
Finally, I didn't include the protection circuit in the diagram because that was something I expected most people to already know.
I really should have clarified that, but other than that, I see no other mistakes.
Fine, but you showed the SNES being fed 5V into the 7805's first pin - if there's no 7805, that simply won't do anything.

The main 7805 is not a resistor.

The point of the switch is clear enough, but the wiring is either vague or incorrect.
Shockslayers is good because is gives you a 6 pin setup allowing for more areas to solder things to (giving you more control of whats activated when the switch is toggled).

Shroomz, your switch seems to be wired right, it just limits someone a bit to only have 3 pins, but for the purposes of an all-in-one wiring diagarm, I'd say its pretty Dang beautiful.

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