Silver Ring


Well-Known Member
I started this a few weeks ago. It's a silver ring made from a silver quarter. They stopped making silver quarters in 1964 so I had to get some silver quarters off ebay.

The process is extremely slow and tedious. Basically you lightly tap the quarter on its side while turning it. I used this small hammer that I got from like a play set many years ago. It works better with a smaller hammer because if you hit it too hard, then the quarter will fold in half and the project is ruined. I'm not sure exactly how long it took to make, but many many hours I spent tapping it! Then once the quarter gets to the desired thickness, you drill out the middle of it and you have a silver ring! I made this for a good friend of mine. She loved it of course.

I've wanted to make one of these for a good while.
It's a pretty neat concept.
Why didn't you do it the easier way and preserve the look of the quarter?
I made myself a pretty Segain' Mississippi State quarter ring using this method and it has all the details and looks awesome.

That just looks uncomfortable to wear seeing as the inside isn't smooth :confused: