ShadowMaster First GCP (ShadowCube)

Technically I have this thing finished up at this point but i don't want to fill up my finished project post with all the pictures so i'll upload those here.
First up I fried my very first board so I had a lot of of stuff that i had prepped and then had to sit for a few weeks while I finished working summer camps.

Those things included:

First up is the wired controller:

I never could get x or b to work so i scrapped those parts and started from scratch, used up SIX controllers for this one cube, but hey it was a learning experience :D

Then the Memory card and SD Gecko:

side note people using swiss wire your sdgecko to slot A, memory card emulation requires this, I wired it to slot be so i don't have this awesome feature

And Batteries:

Also you can see the audio amp i am using (stolen from sega game gear), and the wiikey fusion that i tried to wire up right but never could


I was probably getting ahead of myself when i went and made the case (and i was, it is slightly to small) but i took the measurements and needed something to do while waiting on the cube. And yes I am aware that the paint job is crap, this was meant to be functional, not pretty. My next cube however will be both!
Paint job is loosely based of groudon from 3rd gen of pokemon, like wise next cube will be kyogre, just much much better.

Finally got my new cube in and this one was a rev C so no worries about the regulator board this time:

Then after finally giving up on ever getting my own wiring right i contacted megalomaniac and got one of his megadrives and a spare swiss flashed wiikey:

Soooooooooooooooooooooo much easier. Big thanks to megalomaniac as that made the wiring so much easier! :dance:

Not many pictures of the rest of my process but here is what i do have of cramming it in the case:

And a picture of the finished product:

The rest of the stats and photos will be in my finished project post. I really want to thank the made-by-bacteria and modretro communities; I've been a forum lurker for a while now but have learned a lot from all of you, in fact it was watching Bacteria's N64 portable guide that got me into this stuff. And it was looking at Ashen, Tchay, and ShockSlayers gamecube work that inspired me. And definately Megalomaniacs work that got me through in the end. You all have so amazing people here and i am really looking forward to getting more involved. Thanks for every thing!

Below is a video over features and demo:
Re: ShadowMaster First GCP (name lacking)

glad to hear the MEGAdrive helped resolve your WKF situation...
about your case, with a split controller mounted to the sides as you have done, how does it feel?
does it feel like a regular controller, does it take getting use to, are you having seconds thoughts, or you like it better that you initially thought??

im still toying with that idea myself of a split controller...
Re: ShadowMaster First GCP (name lacking)

This is great! I'm glad you didn't give up when the controller started to give you trouble! Also, the color scheme reminds me of spiderman! Hope you make more soon
Re: ShadowMaster First GCP (name lacking)

The controller split i have no problem with at all, I've had an iPad for a while now so i'm kinda used to opperating things from the sides. and so by using the controller the button lay out makes it still feel very much like a game cube controller My only issue is that because i removed the "wings" of the controller my hands are positioned differently and at times when i push to go strait or up, it goes slightly to the side, its just something i have to get used to though. over all i'm still glad i removed the wings though because that flat spot rests nicely there my index finger meets my hand and allows me to hold the weight longer and easier. By this i mean that its resting on me and i'm not gripping it fighting to keep it up. hope that explains it a bit. It has its ups and downs but i'm happy with it.
Really impressive as a first portable. Doesn't even look that bad especially since it's been down the frankenstein route.