Semi-autonomous Quadcopter

I set out to create a quadcopter a while ago. Turns out they are pretty expensive, and since my gamecube was sucking most of my income I got a job.I have never done something like this in my life so I read up a lot on it. Sourced the correct parts and made sure it was going to fly when I put it together. I ordered most of the parts from hobbyking and some from 3DRobotics. I stayed away from kits and packages because they don't teach you anything. I know a lot about these things now. Took me only a weekend to assemble, but about an entire month to get flying. It uses the arducopter from 3dr, I focused my build around that microcontroller. I added a few infrared distance sensors to the arms of the frame, they were supposed to avoid obstacles and the arducopter's gps would help it fly by itself. I only got the infrared partially working as I don't fully understand the arduino code language yet. I presented this as a project at my local science fair, I didn't actually do so well. Oh well, the judges were just biologists that couldn't appreciate the magical flying machine. I did get contacted by the engineering department of the local university. Looks like I got a job working there in the summer. This was a tonne of fun to make and I might make some more smaller. I now that I have time I am going to make some more portables. I have a video and a picture of it in action. Might post more pictures later, on a netbook that doesn't have all of my photos.

