PS1 Screen Shortage


Hello Forum,

im having a shortage in my PSone Screen for my N64 Portable.
can anyone tell me what the component is thats burning and maybe the cause/fix ?

it started burning all of the sudden and the voltages are correct and altho it is burning it does still work. so is this a known problem or am i screwed and have to get a new screen ?
pics bottom of post.

Kind Regards,
Wesley :tophat:

ok so i can remove that whole invertor from the board ?
and then ledmod it ?
if so do i need to connect some wires etc ?
ok i removed the inverter for the backlight at the top the burning has stopped atleast.
but it seems the screen is no longer working i do get sound.

but i ordered some leds to mod it.
to be sure tho if i turn it on and id for instance keep my phone light behind the screen i should see alteast something right ?

because the screen is comepletly black atm with sometimes some vertical tiny lines.

so with the spool removed does that mean i have to bypass it somehow ?
because i could imagine that it would be the reason for no picture.