Portable Gamecube.

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I used to be into the nodding community at one point in life, but I had kids. So now I just love seeing other people's projects. But I came across a portable gamecube made by Jonathan Shine that really peaked my interest. I contacted him on facebook about having him build me one just like his, but he is a very busy man and directed me to this site and told me to ask about having someone build one for me. If I had the free time like I once did I would gladly do it myself. Can anyone tell me how much it would roughly cost? I'll post a link to his video on YouTube to show you what I'm talking about. All I know is that it doesn't use the disc reader. It used an SD Card instead to load all the games.


Let me know a price and if possible. Thank you!!
CAUTION: That portable is going to have a buttload of heat issues from its DANGEROUS battery wiring to its processors without heatsinks.
could you please just shut the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up? This is his thread and if he doesn´t mind, well stop interacting you ain´t know flax bout my portable because I gave you a little worklog, its not even finished and you already start complaining about it? Making it bad for other people? What the godDang Heck is wrong with you?

~Anders~ said:
could you please just shut the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up? This is his thread and if he doesn´t mind, well stop interacting you ain´t know flax bout my portable because I gave you a little worklog, its not even finished and you already start complaining about it? Making it bad for other people? What the godDang Heck is wrong with you?


Please calm down a little bit if you could. you bumped a thread from November of last year. Although that is (in a sense) recent, the user hasn't been active since 2 days after joining. From that we can conclude they are no longer active and this thread is null and void unless they decide to come back one day. All we ask is that you pay attention to dates when responding to topics, no reason to post on dead topics when the private message exists. in most cases an email is sent to the poster of the topic whenever they are PM'd as well so they would probably see your offer sooner than later, if they were still interested. On a side note nobody is really "complaining" about the state of your portable, for all we know we will never hold it. Some flaws are just being pointed out, and you should look at it more as (constructive) criticism and learn from what we're saying.
(someone just make me a mod pls)
Locked because *Can'tSayThisOnTV* you that's why.

Nah, locked because you bumped a thread trying to sell your portable to a member thats inactive. So yeah.
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