N64 portable



I've just started with my new project... an N64 portable :) It's not my first portable, i build a Gamecube and also a N64 in the past. The electronics worked just fine but I always struggled with the case :( It was always ugly as Heck. This time i want to invest much more time in casemaking because i want a good look and a good usability. I ordered a Wii-u protective Case because i like the shape and it's also big enough to fit all the components.
My first question : Can i use Milliput to fill gap's in the case ?
My screen arrived today and i'm very happy because the Board is very small. It's only 5.5 * 2.5 cm.
I will start to work on the case soon and post pictures :)
That is the same Case i use. I will do a minimal trim because anyway. The Case is not very Strong, i hope it will be better when i frankencased it and put the internals inside.
I've ordered little Copper Heatsinks. They have a adhesive thermal Compound. Is this Compound good enough to keep the N64 cool ?
The copper heatsinks should be plenty good ebough to cool it. Thats what I used on mine. Just make sure you either got glue them to the board or if you're bold enough epoxy them so they dont slide off.

I look forward to seeing how it turns out.