HELP-turn back SD card wbfs format to FAT32 format

Hello guys, I have a SD card in wbfs format and I want to turn it on FAT32 format but I don't know how can I do because my computer not recognized it, or when I want to right click to choose "formated" it freeze...

Please help
Shut off the computer and retry. If this does not work, try unchecking quick format. also, try deleting the files on your SD card.
NNSS said:
If this does not work, try unchecking quick format. also, try deleting the files on your SD card.
How the Heck is the OP supposed to do that when the format menu cannot be accessed and the computer can't get into the files to delete them? The latter option wouldn't help anyway.
I'm on WINVista, and yes I try it with the same computer, I have formated my SD with wbfs manager.
I have try the soft "wbfs2fat" but it doesn't work, I use a multi-card reader to read my SD.

So, what can I do ? :confused:
Can you access it through wbfs manager? If so, you could try format it to wbfs and see if that changes anything.
Try using the "Disk Management" utility. I think I formatted an ext3 usb drive back to FAT32 that way.
Thanks for help but it not work, it's easy, when I try to enter in the SD or just click right it charge but nothing, freeze, and when I plug out the SD I can continu use my computer...

WBFS manager don't recognized SD too...

F***, I can just rebuy another I think, what you think ?
not work, list disk work without the SD plug in, but when I plug the SD and write list disk it freeze...

I don't know what happen with my SD
Do you have another card reader, preferably a different model?
I've used SD Formatter to format some SD cards I've used for Android ROMs. Window's formatting tool wouldn't do the job, but SD Formatter would. Worth a shot.
Ah, didn't even think of the card reader. Definitely try another one. I couldn't get my Raspi to work for the longest time- turned out my card reader was fuxxored.
Yes I have already check it, Lock and Unlock, the 2 don't work...

This SD is dead I think, Thanks for the help guys, I'm going to buy another one ;)
Many laptops have an SD card reader, I'm sure someone you know has one that you could try. I wouldn't give up on the card until you've tried it in another reader/computer.