GBC Frontlight Question (not traditional method)

I want to frontlight my Game Boy Color, but I do NOT want to kill my GBA SP to do it. I don't mind trying to get a non-functional SP off of eBay, but I'd like to see what I can do with what I already have here, first.

I have the old, failing touchscreen from a friend's DS Light here. It was the LCD that was dying, and the backlights still worked perfectly. I found a thread on benheck ( in which the bottom backlight from a DS Lite was to be used in a Game Gear. Says that it requires 12v.

With this rather huge difference in voltage (3v vs 12v), I somewhat doubt it's easily possible, but I'll ask anyway: is it possible/feasible to use the DS Lite touchscreen backlight parts to frontlight the GBC screen? Also, if it is, any tips on doing this?

(Yes, I know the difference between frontlighting and backlighting.)
TheBenenator said:
is it possible/feasible to use the DS Lite touchscreen backlight parts to frontlight the GBC screen?

no, you can only use a backlight as a backlight, it is not see through. I don't know if you can backlight a GBC. depending how fragile the screen ribbon wires are, it might not be worth the risk to try. and go with the front lighting instead. its risk verses cost. risk having to get a new GBC / GBC screen, or buying a frontlight or something to pull it from. and what is cheaper.
I will try the led mod this weekend on one of mine, just to see if it work's or if its and acceptable compromise to front lighting on such a small screen. I'll test with 3, 4, 6, led's just to be thorough. and post the results.
Well, that's disappointing, but not surprising. Even if I just stuffed the little LED ribbon in there, it would just be four spots of light, I guess.

Thanks for the input!
superben51 said:
I'm 95% sure that you can.

I know people hate when I do this but... I'm going to have to call you out on saying things with absolutely no basis behind them.
Well I've heard of people doing it but I couldn't find any proof to support it in the few minutes I looked.
I just did a led mod to a GBA, and it is worthless, you cant see anything wile theres any light or ambient light, and in a completely dark room its almost the same as looking at the GBA normally wile theres allot of glare. cant get the led's to do the job right with the off set lcd glass, and I tried a few ways, and types of led's, I even modded a few led's by sanding down 2 sides to flattin them out for the best of the bad resoults. I'll post pics or a vid latter tonight on my Multiplayer GBA setup. viewtopic.php?f=40&t=9961 for any scrutiny. that leaves only front lighting and/or a halo type thing. unless bibin pulls something nifty out of his ass with that thing he's working on.
using a GBASP V2 LCD falls under the "unless bibin pulls something nifty out of his ass with that thing he's working on." category.

oddly enough, adding fiber optic networking capabilities to a Atari might fall under a similar category.

I want to see that back lit GBA Bibin, The world is waiting on you Sir. :tophat:
to improve on the frontlit colors using an SP frontlight, would it be possible to very very lightly frost the color's LCD, apply a liquid adhesive to the frontlight, and then stick it to the color screen so the light does not reflect/glare at all on the color's lcd screen-protecting film, and instead directly lights the pixels?

this made me think of it:

The tape would be as reflective as the screen it self, if not more so.
and it would also give it a hazy look.
but some people might like the hazy look, perhaps a clear purple tape?
play it wile listening to Jimi Hendrix.
"the pixels, man, the pixels... Did you ever notice just how square they are? Duuuuuuude"

But instead of using tape, I mean use a glue ashesive to negate the tape reflecting and being hazy. I think it could work, it would one of those exotic let's-do-it-once-cause-we-can type things no doubt

seriously, try it, if it looks good, then you could become famous.
look at the hardly used Lob64 mod
heck if it looks halfway worthwile doing then people might try to improve upon the technique.
it might be something everey gameboy modder will want to do.

I might test it on a GBA SP lcd, going to pull the front light off anyways to use on a GBC.
it will be scrap anyways at that point, might be awhile before I get around to it though.
lol who knows!

I wonder how the LCD could be frosted, maybe maybe super fine grain sandpaper?

Before anybody tries this, it would be a very good idea to just like take a piece of glass (pretend LCD), frost it, and then use whatever adhesive to attach it (pretend frontlight) and see if it is clear enough to see though.

Maybe there is no need to frost? If you use a clear glue to attach frontlight to LCD, maybe it will aid in the light distribution?