Cutting out a D-pad.


Well-Known Member
I'm used to frankecasing all my cases so I don't have to worry about cutting stuff out really.
But now I'm trying to not use bondo on a case and I'm wondering how do some of you guys cut out D-pads so nicely?
No, he means the dpad hole, not making the actual button.

Argel, take a dremel with a cutting wheel and make a + by two cuts.

Now put the dremel in each one and push it back and forth to make it more like a dpad.

Finish it with a file.
I say drill 5 holes, one in the center and one on the end of each direction. Dremel between them and file smooth.
well the point of a hotknife is it's superthin, so even though it melts, it's really the same effect as cutting. I might even venture to say a dremel creates worse melting than a hot knife.
I wouldn't use that either. Personally, I'd say a drill and a jeweler's saw is where it's at.

If a Dremel's causing melting, you're pushing way too hard. It's not something you ream down on and use force. Dremels work best with a light touch that lets the speed do the work. They call it a "high-speed multitool" for a reason.

I'm working on something with a detailed cutout, and I've drilled several pilot holes. Now, I'm using a steel cutting cylinder on a Dremel to enlarge the holes into the shape. The final edge will be done with files.
With the case that I made for my GBA I used a dremel to cut out the D-Pad hole. But I am currently on a quest to make another case for something different and I think I am just going to take apart the controller and use the actual part from the controller. Personally if you just do that I think it looks more professional.
Basement_Modder said:
I say drill 5 holes, one in the center and one on the end of each direction. Dremel between them Use a X-Acto knife to carve the shape out and file smooth.
That's what I did on Stella. Drilled some holes and used an xacto knife for the rest, plus a bit of filing for the corners.
I find files easier to control than X-Acto knives, myself. I typically use quite a range of them. The last cutout I did was kind of large, and rather complex. I ended up drilling about a dozen holes, then using plastic nippers, X-Acto knife, and eight files to finish it. Then, I sanded the whole thing with 220 grit, and wetsanded with 320 grit. Soooooo smooooooth. :D
Or cut the controller plastic that has the mold of the d pad and then epoxy it in with some sand able epoxy putty. It looks built in and has a very nice feel to it.
βeta said:
I wouldn't use that either. Personally, I'd say a drill and a jeweler's saw is where it's at.


Also, if you have a scroll saw, that works well if you are using flat material, it's essentially a motorized jewelers saw.

1. Drill a hole in the center of the + shape.
2. Thread jewelers saw blade through your hole and then into your jewelers saw.
4. Use some square files to get all your edges nice and straight.