Cool power regulator For n64 portable!


Active Member
I found this power supply that outputs a switchable 5/3.3 volts. Maybe someone would be able to bypass the 5 volt portion completely?
You could use the 5v to power an audio amp, OR bypass the 7805 on the n64 and use the 5v off the regulator. It's worth a try.

Also, your HTML link didn't work.
Dang. I missed the part about it being switchable. Disregard what I said.

Still, you really can't beat free samples from Texas Instruments.
If you'll notice, it says 'selectable' - meaning you can only use one at a time. Furthermore, it's linear - the 5v regulator onboard the n64 is linear, too, so that wouldn't make a difference, but using it for 3.3v would cut battery life roughly in half.
Yeah, looks like an LM317 circuit to me. You can build those pretty easily, but they are terribly inefficient.

EDIT: Confirmed. The way the voltage switching works is kind of neat, though.