Can USA NTSC Ps2 play Japan NTSC games?


Official Hypello of ModRetro
Can they play Japanese games? Or would I have to region mod it? And HOW would I region mod it? I have spare ps2's I can do it on. So, how?
Ps2 is region locked. you'll probably need a mod chip (ModBo 4.0 is good). its also possible you could get region unlocked via freeMcBoot, but im not sure.
You'll need to get a swap magic/action replay/some other swap disc or mod your PS2 and run the swap magic elf directly.
samjc3 said:
Ps2 is region locked. you'll probably need a mod chip (ModBo 4.0 is good). its also possible you could get region unlocked via freeMcBoot, but im not sure.
I have a ps2 slim with a modbo 4.0 installed for sale, if you want it.
I strongly recommend you just get a pre-modded memory card with freemcboot already on it and just run the swap magic elf. Its much easier overall and it'll come in handy for other things, no mod chip or swap card required.