blank white screen issue on dalian screen


Frequent Poster
(no one replied to my thread in the screens section, so I'm reposting here)

They made new controller boards for the 5" dalian screens we use. Slightly smaller boards. But they work the same.

But, after stripping off the buttons of the "key board" (with the screen control buttons) (for relocation), I get a blank white screen. I cannot get this white screen to go away.

I know the screen still works, I tested the older version controller board on this screen and it shows AV and all that jazz. But with the other controller board, it just shows white blank screen. What gives?

Is there some way to reset the controller board? The tact switches on these key boards are "normally closed" so removing them must have messed up something. The power button still works. The button to switch from AV to VGA partially works. It causes a black screen, then flips to a blank white screen again...


Hey Tchay I'm not sure if this is your problem but I had a newer Dalian "Good Display" and I've gotten a flickered screen and a white screen when powering it. I found out why for my problem, not enough volts. The newer revision boards require at least 9v to run (compared to the older ones with 5v). So I tried it with 12v and it worked fine. So it could be that you are not giving it at least 9v, or maybe the connections are not being made when you connect the ribbon cable to the board. Idk hope this helps.
I'm giving it 12v already so I don't think thats the problem. The only thing I can do now, is wire up the component cable and hope that I can get a video quality from that. Maybe the screen somehow got stuck in VGA mode and won't display anything....
Yeh maybe it's worth a shot. Hopefully you can get it woking. It kinda sucks that Dalian got the new controller boards, cuz I like the older ones. Hope you can fix it.