Battery problem?


Apparently plover is a type of bird.
I had my portable SO CLOSE to working condition... when I think my batteries failed on me. They're fine on the multimeter when they aren't doing anything, but when I flip the switch for them to give power to the PSone screen, the voltage goes down to .31 or something. What might be the problem?
i had a similar problem. youre using a smart charger right? use a batteryspace protection circuit. i had to switch mine out.
You sent it to me with a protection circuit, though. Is it not Batteryspace?

Anyways, I've figured out the problem a little better. The batteries don't work properly when connected to the SNES, so I've unhooked that and I plan on powering the SNES via the regulator on the PSone screen. Anyone have any tips or reasons I shouldn't do that, or something?
the basic situation is, your battery works fine in idle condition and when you switch on for the game then it will down and gives low voltages and the game device can't work properly. So the solution is battery need some service like high voltage shots for recharging this. If it will done, I hope your battery will work fine.
These bots are getting very intelligent. I fear for the day that they have personalities.