About ports for GCp


Hello everyone. I have a few questions concerning ports for my GCp I'm working on.

1. What voltage and current rating should the port for my charger be? I plan on using a 14.8v 6800mah battery.

2. I plan to make a little hub for external controller ports and av out. Has anyone used USB Type C for such an application? A USB C cable has 12 pins so would that be enough for all of those?

3. Can I take the cable plug in of the original power supply an wire it to an adapter that is smaller but still gives enough juice to the gamecube?
1. Not sure. Do the batteries have a charger reccomended for them?
3.If it pushed enough amps
The amperage depends on what voltage you feed through it. The motherboard alone draws about 18 watts, and with all the other parts of a portable it could be more than 25 watts. At 12 volts, that's a little more than 2 amps. A standard-sized DC jack would work.
12 pins:

1. GND
2. 3v3
3. 5v
4. Data 1
5. Data 2
6. Data 3
7. Data 4
8. Video
9. R audio
10. L audio
11-12. GND