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  1. DaFletch01

    Has anyone considered making a Nvidia Shield portable?

    I heard of the shield a couple years ago when they released their first model but I thought nothing of it as far as portables go because it didn't really have that much functionality for what is was worth. It was basically just a glorified streaming box with some android games attached to it...
  2. DaFletch01

    Would anyone watch a twitch stream of a portable being made?

    In the past few months, I have started to learn the ways of livestreaming on twitch. So far, I have a few people that always tune in.(aka "regulars") And often times, I get a few new people following me every few times I go live. Anyways, the point is that I just figured out how to get a webcam...
  3. DaFletch01

    Has anyone ever made a CDX portable?

    I know a while ago Ben Heck tried to make a portable CDX, but im not sure if he ever fully finished it. Using a CDX as a portable would seem to be the ultimate genesis/mega drive portable possible because of how small it is and its inclusion of the sega cd functionality (unlike the nomad which...
  4. DaFletch01

    Where can you buy a 3ds Slider?

    I was considering buying some 3ds sliders for a portable just in case I ever feel that I wanted to use them one day. I know that they are used in smaller portables to save space (and I personally like the feel of them). Anyways, I didn't want to rip open a whole 3ds just to get the sliders. I...