Search results

  1. T

    Dmg Gamecube

    Really? I have checked other worklogs in the past and maybe I never really noticed because they are out of the case in the open or in a case I'm not familiar with really to get a sense of proper scale.
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    Dmg Gamecube

    Dang that is tiny! I had no idea the Gamecube could be that small. Cant wait to see how this one tuns out.
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    How do I find work that doesn't make me hate myself?

    I was in the same boat as you, and I don't know exactly how old you are but at a YMCA near my house they offered a service where they allow me to take some tests/surveys and then it is able to suggest based on the results what you will most likely like. It showed me that I like the more...
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    This is awesome. All it needs now is just a sweet paint job and it would be good to go!
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    vskid3's Clearance Sale

    That is understandable. If he isn't taking the DMG anymore, I am interested in it as well as the wired ps3 controller (5). What are you looking to get out of it? I wouldn't have issue of covering the shipping of it. I do live in Toronto, Canada for reference sake.
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    vskid3's Clearance Sale

    Would you be willing to ship to Canada? I may be interested in one or two things if you are.
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    3.5mm Audio and Video jack

    Thanks for the diagram! I have one of those cables kicking around my house that I have been eyeing for a while now and always wondered how it would work out.
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    Naimlessones Semi-Portable GC

    Well this design will be interesting to see. I have to ask though does the meaty part of your thumbs not get in the way of the screen?
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    Naimlessones Semi-Portable GC

    While I would have to agree with legofan about the placement of the controls on the last one in a landscape position, I would have to think that if you trimmed more of the plastic on the control buttons you would be able to centre the screen more in the box so that the buttons can fit on each...
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    The ClunkerCube

    Might not be the slimmest but if its functional and you're happy with it then its all good! Good job!
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    Audio amp help needed please

    Yeah that is what I figured that could be do. I just thought maybe they were nice and would send over some female connectors to go with it lol.
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    Audio amp help needed please

    Just out of curiosity, does it come with those connectors that would be used on the top left?
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    Game Lots on Ebay

    Would you consider shipping to Canada?
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    Planned Wii U Portable - Wii Z

    Man that sucks! Instead of buying a new monitor perhaps you can just find a new motherboard for the screen? As in look up the screen's serial number and see if a board is available to just replace. I would think it be a cheaper solution that getting a new screen. But then again sometimes it's...
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    How to use your broken Wii U Gamepad as a controller

    Just out of curiosity why not Dualshock?
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    These would be great to use to make screwdrivers for like Nintendo screws that need special bits. Very cool stuff.
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    How to use your broken Wii U Gamepad as a controller

    Very cool idea. A much better setup for emulating than having that bracket you shown.
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    Mooper's GCP

    It is so smooth and clean looking, I love it!
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    Noah's Kickass Raspberry Pi DMG Portable

    That will look so cool with the buttons like that on the front and back and the sliders on the bottom. Are you going to be throwing in a game on the back slot so it looks like something is in there or just cover it up so its all flush? I assume the battery door on the back will be flush with...
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    Need advice for making a NES-SNES-N64 system

    This was in 2014 so it could of been his first post then... In any event I would love to know how this ended up if he got it working.