Search results

  1. H

    Can you build PCs from electronics recyling to sell?

    I want to know if I could go to local recyclings, ask to take PCs, take some, and then build new ones by mix and match. I want to simply make functioning PCs that I can sell on eBay to make a couple bucks. I wonder this because I want to make some money after school by selling PCs, and after a...
  2. H

    Would it be possible to connect the DSi top screen to a TV?

    I have plans for a special project, and a DSi is part of it. I don't need anything for the bottom screen, but the top screen is a must. I basically want to deportablize the DSi, Gameboy Player style.
  3. H

    Would the Xeno GC work for me?

    I want to get a Xeno GC as It's the only Modchip I can find anymore. I just want to play standard GC games and DVD based homebrew.
  4. H

    DS Lite speakers on Gameboy Micro

    I have full plans for a heavy mod on a Gameboy Micro. I want to know if you can just solder the speakers of a DS Lite somewhere and then use either the original buttons or solder the DS Lite volume slider somewhere.
  5. H

    Front disk loader for Cube, not from Wii

    I want to use a front disk loader on my Cube, but the Wii is too large. Is there a Mini-DVD only front disk loader? Or, can I convert the Cube tray into a front disk loader by adding a mechanism that pushes/rejects the disk? I am getting the idea from the fake GCp from 2005.
  6. H

    Implanting Wii drive on GCN

    I saw somewhere that you can use a Wii drive so a GCp could "suck up" the disk. How can you do this? And, what is the name of the part, so I can buy it without buying a whole Wii? Finally, do I have to keep it the size of a full DVD, or can I trim it so It's the size of a GC disk in diameter...
  7. H

    What is the most epic design you've seen on an electronic?

    I want an epic design that I can put on something, from my planned Ouya portable to my Xbox 360 controller. I personally like the black/red hydro dips people do.
  8. H

    Is there a good flat analog stick replacement for the PS3?

    I'm going to rip apart a PS3 controller for something not a PS3, and need flat, 3DS/PSP style joysticks. What thing should I buy, and how do I connect it? One thing that may be a problem is that I still need the clicking L3/R3 function.
  9. H

    Can I use a BP-915 battery to run the PSOne+Screen?

    I got the idea from another topic, and want to know if it would work. Could I use just one, or will I need 2?
  10. H

    Where can I find a T1 white LED

    The guide I'm following (Ben Heck's Handmade PS1) requires 3 T1 white LEDS for a PS1 screen mod. I would like to be able to get them from Mouser or Radio Shack, so please give me an ID for one of them.
  11. H

    What PSU can I use?

    I'll be making a PSP that uses the screen and console new version. I need a power supply to power them. I need it to be relatively small, and need a couple hours charge. I would like to be told how to connect it to the things, too.
  12. H

    Completely flat joysticks?

    I will be making a GCp in the form of an oversized DS. The problem is, I need a flat joystick like the 3DS has. I think I may need to use the 3DS pro circle pad mod or something to get a flat joystick. I need help. Somebody, please, advise how to use either the 3DS one, another one, or how to...
  13. H

    How would someone put a headphone jack on a GCp?

    I'm getting a GameCube for about $10 from a friend, under the condition that he sees me rip it apart. I will make a GCp, and I decided that instead of an audio amp, I want a headphone jack. Where should I buy a jack from, and how do I get it on the GameCube?
  14. H

    How is audio interpolation made?

    I'm trying to see how it works, and want to see if I can use it with an HDMI cable for the GBA portable I'm making. In short, could I make/buy one and slap it onto whatever thing the sound comes out of? If I need to make one, how is it made? If I need to buy one, what do I buy?
  15. H

    Wireless GBA controller?

    I'll be doing a summer project to make a GBA console, store games in bottom, front loading cartridges, the works. The problem is, I know nothing of GBA controllers. I'm going to need to know how to link whatever GBA you chose (normal, SP or Micro) to a wireless controller I'll likely need to...
  16. H

    Is there a way to link the Wii classic controller? (GCp)

    I will be making a GCp, like everyone, but I'm switching a few things up. One will be the controller. Could I use a Wii classic controller somehow, whether through a port or soldering something to something? :tophat:
  17. H

    What console is the perfect blend of ease, cost, and demand?

    I have Summer break from school around the corner, and I'm thinking "Why not learn, get a hobby, and make money?" So I want good consoles for easy portablizing and cash, and need a recommendation or two. I also have limited cash, so I want it to be very cheap, but profitable. I want to make...
  18. H

    Gameboy Player, PSU, and screen help needed

    I'm going to make an unrefined portable like one I've seen, So I'll need a 7 inch display and a rechargeable battery, that uses an adapter/port combo for charging. Also, how would you shrink the Gameboy Player? I've looked around, but I can't see anything.
  19. H

    What is the most effective way to paint projects?

    I am working on a project, and am almost done with it. I, however, need to paint intricate designs on it. I will buy whatever paints, tools, etc. that I need. I have the project made in part metal, part plastic. I have a printer, some spray paints, and a decent amount of art knowledge. I kind...
  20. H

    How to "move" Gameboy Advance SP parts+ speaker help

    I have a GBA SP, a backlit one, that I'll modding. The main things that I'll need help with: -Move buttons to new places (A B Light L R Select Start D Pad) -Move linking/charging ports + battery -Move cartridge slot -Add a speaker, two total, probably by buying another one and putting it with...