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    Forum Suggestion Box

    Needs more Bans for tjr
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    Origins of your username?

    Well one day my toe was really hurting me after a long walk. I figured it was a rock, as it was very rough in texture and almost cutting into my skin. But, it was in fact just very compressed lint as I hadn't showered since 3 weeks prior.
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    Re: External Controller Port Box For Portable You need Hot Glue and lot's of it. Also, I've learned from experience that you can melt entire Glue Gun sticks into grooves for your PN64 handle grips.
  5. T

    The 0wnage 64 Worklog

    Re: 0wnage Modz's first N64 Portable! But not Detroit at all.
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    Re: Screen for N64? If you have to ask, you won't know what to do with it.
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    SS's LED Flashlight Zelda Belt Buckle MKII

    Man if I was planning on not having a girlfriend or cutting my dick off I would totally buy that.