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  1. L

    Airsoft RC Car Hack (tutorial)

    I made a thing. And then I made a video. Actually, I made a video while I made the thing. It's a full tutorial, anyway. Basically, I strapped a fully automatic battery powered airsoft gun to the back of an RC car and wired up a remote trigger. The...
  2. L

    F.A.N.G. (Fully Automatic Nerf Gun) Arm Cannon

    Okay, so I gave my younger brother his Christmas gift early this year. He loved it so much that he wants to keep working on it with me and making it even better, so I thought I'd include updates here of what we create. This is a continuation of the project I listed in the Afternoon Projects...
  3. L


    I'm finally getting my rear in gear and am going to make that SNES/NES dual cartridge Retro Duo portable I first envisioned way back in 2008. Initial concept sketch, probably won't stick to this much at all aside from installing the two cartridge connectors at a right angle to each other. You...
  4. L

    Life of Brian's Project List

    I've finally gotten the itch to make portables once again. This forum has really grown up in the past couple of years, and compared to the BenHeck forums now it's a happenin' place! I thought I'd post a bazillion links and sample pictures of all my past finished projects to bring myself up to...