Recent content by nephitejnf

  1. nephitejnf

    The Official Leaving/Returning Members Thread

    Okay, so it has been a while. I'm gonna kinda explain what has gone on back quite while, even though I poked my head in within this timeline. For those the don't really care to read a paragraph, the tldr is that life happened and other things and now I'm showing back up. So, I kinda...
  2. nephitejnf

    Show us your desktop!

    Actually, it's Arch Linux. Way better and less bloaty.
  3. nephitejnf

    Show us your desktop!

    I think you can all guess what this is.
  4. nephitejnf

    Games and Accessories

    A lot of this stuff is in pretty good condition. I have not tested the games recently, but I will update you on the when I have. This a lot lot I am selling to help me get stuff for my business. If you have questions feel free to post or PM me. Also, PM me so I can figure out shipping, send me...
  5. nephitejnf

    Looking for Replacement Optical Drive for Xbox 360

    I know I haven't been on for a while, but school got in the way. My Drive keeps giving me an 'open tray' after a little reading and I have tried a few methods. It is a Hitachi LG drive, I am willing to trade a Toshiba Samsung drive for a replacement, or I will work with you with what I have, I...
  6. nephitejnf

    GBA SP battery question

    I know I haven't been all that active as of late, school is finishing up though :wink: . But I was wondering why the battery in a GBA SP would have this exploded look to it, it looks like someone went and inflated it a little and it won't turn on. Any knowledge about it would be appreciated and...
  7. nephitejnf

    WTT: XBox 360 Optical Drive

    I need a Hitachi drive for my 360 and I can trade another Hitachi drive minus the circuit board or trade a whole toshiba drive with the circuit board or include both drives.
  8. nephitejnf

    Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sales

    Re: Great bargains from E-bay / Garage / Yard / Car boot sal got an xbox 360 console for free with the power supply and the composite cable, then trading the case from it for a broken mobo, a working dd and another power supply...I think I got a good haul
  9. nephitejnf

    WTS: N64 Controller Parts

    I have a few extra parts that I need to get rid of after finishing my project, because my family and I am in the process of moving. I have: -blue controller shell [offer]{pending} -gray controller shell [offer]{pending} -a full set of buttons for one controller. [offer]{Pending} -one extra start...
  10. nephitejnf

    Nephite's Almost N64p

    I finally finished putting it all into one unit, I won't call it an official portable, but I am almost there. All the buttons do work and some are stiffer than others. I only have two pictures for your viewing and I will get a video up soon. Comments, criticism? This is my first.
  11. nephitejnf

    n64 controller board

    I am looking for a circuit board from an n64 controller. If someone could send one without charge it would be much appreciated. Otherwise I will try to workout a trade deal (no guarantees yet). thanks
  12. nephitejnf

    WTB: Non-Saving Pokemon Games

    how much is each battery?
  13. nephitejnf

    Microsd to gb(c) conversion

    I have look all over the net and was trying to find ways to make a cartridge that could convert microsd to be used in a dmg or gbc, if you know anything I would be interested, even if it were to just a plain sd card.
  14. nephitejnf

    The afternoon projects thread

    GBA SP belt buckle thing
  15. nephitejnf

    The afternoon projects thread

    I didn't find anything else using an sp for this application, but I did find one with a gbc in this application. :D