Recent content by Fiskers1208

  1. Fiskers1208

    PC Build Question

    I'm currently in the progress of fixing my desktop. When I took the wireless card out, I place it on my desk, and it touched a metal piece. Is it safe to use? Update: I put it in my desktop and the desktop works like normal.
  2. Fiskers1208

    Dell Inspiron Keyboard Not Working

    I had a dell laptop my father gave me that didn't work. Just some troubleshooting stuff.
  3. Fiskers1208

    Originally a Post Sharing an eBay Listing of Wasp Fusion.

    Since the post is a little over 5 years old, the listing doesn't exist anymore.
  4. Fiskers1208


    This was originally intended to be a project on my "Wii portable." In the end, I obviously never built this. I feel like I should mention a couple things -My dad didn't own a tesla. This thread was during a time where spoiled rich kids snaps were a thing. I wanted to imitate it as a joke, but I...
  5. Fiskers1208

    Looking for a 3.5 inch screen.

    Edit: use whatever the Heck you want. I was an idiot for posting this.
  6. Fiskers1208

    Where could I buy a Gamecube case?

    Hello Everyone, I am soon going to work on a project, which involves using a gamecube case, but I don't want to use a case salvaged from a console. Can someone give me a link to buy a GameCube housing?
  7. Fiskers1208

    Portable wii

    Contact Gman. He will build you one. I would recommend to PM a user. Trust me, that's one of the reasons why I got banned, and not for spamming. DO NOT SPAM!!! Good luck:lol: Edit: @ShockSlayer Remember Moocowgal?
  8. Fiskers1208

    Wii Portable Tutorial

  9. Fiskers1208

    Looking for a Wiikey/WASP(/WODE)

    I think this works and
  10. Fiskers1208

    Looking for a Wiikey/WASP(/WODE)

    that's for wii portables, not gamecube portables.
  11. Fiskers1208

    Looking for a Wiikey/WASP(/WODE)

    Wii DD? WODE? Sundriver? Are those modchips?
  12. Fiskers1208

    Looking for a Wiikey/WASP(/WODE)

    They stopped manufacturing the wiikey fusion. You can buy one someone, buy they charge you A lot. Your only option is to use the official diskdrive
  13. Fiskers1208

    Nintendo wii portable/gamecube case

    Hi, I was an idiot, stole a case from a thingiverse user, and filled the holes originally for full sized gamecube joysticks.
  14. Fiskers1208

