Recent content by Ezkid123

  1. E

    I'm not that kid I was just asking why u asked if I was him

    I'm not that kid I was just asking why u asked if I was him
  2. E


  3. E


  4. E

    Portable wii

    Alright everyone stfu Idc about a friendly reminder and I already got a Gcp portable
  5. E

    Portable wii

    Bro I didn't ask u so back off
  6. E

    My first (and bad) portable GameCube

    So can I buy it
  7. E

    My first (and bad) portable GameCube

    Can I buy it from u
  8. E

    Portable wii

  9. E

    [Worklog] wiitendo switch

    Can I buy it from u
  10. E

    I will pay a lot of money

    I will pay a lot of money
  11. E

    Portable wii

    i am looking for a portable wii with the console able to play GameCube games I will pay a lot of money just please give me a range and we can make a deal
  12. E

    First Wii Portable - Worklog

    How much will u sell it for I WILL BUY IT
  13. E

    New breadbox cube

    Can I buy it just say a price
  14. E

    Gamecube Portable - The Varia Cube

    Can I buy it from u just say a price
  15. E

    Can I buy a portable GameCube from u

    Can I buy a portable GameCube from u