Recent content by db-electronics

  1. db-electronics

    Sega Saturn Internal Memory Mod to FRAM

    Here's a mod I just did on my Saturn to avoid the lost save files in the internal memory due to a quick dying CR2032. Not sure if this problem is widespread or just prevalent on certain revisions of hardware but it seems like my CR2032's were dying in about 2 months. Therefore, I set out to...
  2. db-electronics

    Saturn Backup Memory Cartridge, 670-6415A

    Well that's a little far-fetched don't you think as I never claimed anything of the sort...
  3. db-electronics

    Saturn Backup Memory Cartridge, 670-6415A

    Added reference and credit where required; didn't realize it would be an issue. When I post on internet forums I kind of assume the information I give out is out of my control from that point on, else I wouldn't post it. I try to collect as much info as I can and centralize it on my site for...
  4. db-electronics

    Saturn Backup Memory Cartridge, 670-6415A

    On the Sega CD Backup RAM Cart there is a 74HC244 used to indicate the size of the cart to the console. I noticed on here the 74HC244 is hardwired to output 0x01. Did you experiment with other values on here to see if the console would "think" it had a larger memory cart? I experimented with...
  5. db-electronics

    Saturn Backup Memory Cartridge, 670-6415A

    Awesome work! This also helped me figure out with my Backup Cart has a 40pin AT29C040. From your pics I can clearly see why!