the Tesla - NES handheld


Hello! :) im Roochie. Today i ordered a NES, but i had no idea what i was gonna do with it. so i did some drawing/brainstorming and came up with a concept that i like. I call it the Tesla:


This is an idea that i would like to make a reality. Im a complete noob to modding hardware and soldering, but i have a natural gift for this kind of thing, and i learn really fast. My goal is to have this project close to finished in about a year. But it will probably take more, because i like stuff that i make to be extremely polished. Im just picky like that.

I realize that this whole idea is a long shot, but im gonna do it. And im probably gonna screw up quite a bit. Im planning on sort of documenting my journey on here, or i may make a blog or something, just so that when i finish i can look back and see my progress, how much i've learned, etc. I've already started reading up and watching vids on soldering, so hopefully i can get started right when my NES arrives. Oh and also im planning on buying a few more NES's soon, cause i know im gonna mess up. As for the screen i was thinking a 3.5"" car monitor. But anyways, let me know what you think. i'll try to post some more once i get the NES opened it up and all that. thanks for reading :)
I would love to see this become real, but unless you want the cart slot sticking out the sides a bit, you might want a wider handheld.

Check out the NES megasticky for help
NNSS said:
I would love to see this become real, but unless you want the cart slot sticking out the sides a bit, you might want a wider handheld.

Check out the NES megasticky for help
thanks! and yes i actually read through mario's guide in the NES megasticky before i came up with this particular idea. as for the cart slot, this picture i drew is just a concept, and a very unspecific one at that. it doesnt even specify any dimensions, this is just what i want it to look like. rounded off edges, and a rounded screen cover(inspired by fallout 3, i've been playing that a lot recently). I've actually taken out the NES mobo, measured it, and done some quick math to define the the actual dimensions of the case, now i just have to make the case and see if my math was correct :)(but first i have to finish with the mobo, i havent gotten very far on that part yet). i think the overall width i determined was like 6.5 inches, or maybe it was 7.5, idk i wrote it down somewhere. But my point is that its gonna be pretty dang big. i have been kinda worried about the cart slot though, cause im gonna relocate it, and i dont know exactly where the wires for that are gonna fit in. thanks for the advice btw. I'll take any i can get
If you want a thin portable, use a NOAc. Noacs are found in NES knockoffs, and they are NES on a chip. The awesome thing about noacs is that they are extremely small, and from what i understand, easy to mod.