The N64 Mega-Sticky

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ModRetro Legend
Nintendo 64

XCVG's Dang good N64 Guide

Motherboard Trimming/Relocation Points
Ashen's Alternative to RCP Wiring
ßeta's N64 Reference
Bud's N64 Trimming Guide
Chopping the n64 mobo A tiny bit more.
daftmike's RCP pinout and Beta's Wiring Diagram!
How to wire up batteries and a screen to your N64
How to wire video to your N64
Link83's Compilation of Info Related to Revisions, Including Serial Numbers & RGB Modability
Rewiring the cartridge connector (Youtube)
RGB Video DAC for Nintendo 64
Temperature Information for the N64
Trimming an N64 motherboard

Controller Information
3rd party controllers that are compatible with other analogue sticks
How to wire controllers to your N64
U8 Wiring

Jumper Pack/Expansion Pack
Reverse engineering the jumper pack by bentomo

Powering the N64
How to get 3.3v for your N64p
N64 power draw time lapse
List of completed N64 projects/mods:


SS's 1st N64 portable, the X64
SS's 2nd N64 portable, the S64
SS's 3rd N64 portable, the X64 v2
SS's 4th N64 portable, the XS64
SS's 5th N64 portable, the SS64
SS's 6th N64 portable
SS's 7th N64 portable
SS's 8th N64 portable
SS's 9th N64 portable (commission)
SS's 10th N64 portable (commission)
SS's 11th N64 portable (commission)
SS's 12th N64 portable, the AG-64 Portable.
SS's 13th N64 portable, the TriSixtyFource
Bentomo's Moonlight64
Bentomo's portable N64, the 64 Boy
Bentomo's Starlight 64 portable
Bentomo's Tron Themed Simple64
Michealthurston's Abstract 64 portable
Thursty's 2nd N64 portable, the Thursty64
ROOman's Z64
Basement_Modder's Quad64 portable
Hailrazer's Kamikaze N64 portable
Hailrazer's Kamikaze Clone N64 portable
luke_hankins' N64 portable
Zenloc's N64Mini V2
Zenloc's N64Mini V3
Nobble's N64 portable, the Nobble64
Downing's N64 portable
Downing's 2nd N64 portable, the Nimbus 64
Mario's Sprocket64 N64 portable
clarky's N64 portable, the Clarky64
clarky's N64 portable, The PNintendo 64
clarky's Slim64
clarky's Starline64
clarky's Mini64
clarky's Mini64BK
clarky's Mini64ZE
clarky's Mini64GE
XCVG's portable N64, the YAP64
Evil Nod's N64 portable, the N Gear 64.
T-Berg's Cloud64
T-Berg's RB64
Modsoft's N64 portable, the Modsoft64
hrduncan's N64 portable, the zephyr64
SonyQrio's N64 portable, The Objective 64
mymixed's N64 portable, the Ion64
bud's N64 portable, the JB-64 V2.0
bud's commission for Gamma344
bud's Throwback64
bud's Throwback64 V2.0
Tyler355's First portable N64
Tyler355's Bulldog64
Scorpio93's First N64p
Majora1155's En T64
SlipStreamGT's N64 Advance SP
SlipStreamGT's Electus64
SlipStreamGT's Slipstream64
FierceDeity's Fierce64
Narik's Vision64
public-pervert's Laser64

Hifeno's N64 laptop

Other mods:
DamnationZero's painted N64 controller
Genowhirl's painted N64 controller
IKSROG-II's LED-modded N64 controllers
bud's Über Blue N64
Bush's N64 Clock
Zharrhen's Painted N64 controller
public-pervert's wireless N64 controller
clarky's TRON N64
Michaelthurston's Nintentron 64
nterror's Painted N64 Controller - "The Blizzard"
The list will be updated periodically.
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