Steam download issues


#1 Female Member
I am having some very bizarre download problems on steam. I've been trying to download COD:MW3 for a few days now, so I can play firefight with some friends, but I can't get it downloaded.

The first time I tried it, the download went fine till it hit 48%, then it stopped making progress - however, it didn't stop downloading content - according to my router, it pulled in about 60gb of something, but it's nowhere on my disc, and it certainly wasn't the ~8gb of game that I needed.

Now, after trying about a billion different things, it's simply downloading more content than it's putting in the game directory. I just reinstalled steam entirely, so I started with a blank slate with the game uninstalled. My 'Total Downloaded' field shows 4.1gb, but the game only shows 1.5gb downloaded. The ratio of total data to game data seems to increase indefinitely - I left it overnight last night and it pulled in 170gb total, but only managed to get 6.8gb of game.

I am on a new internet connection and router (comcast 50mbs/Asus RT-N66U), so I figured that may have something to do with it, but it doesn't seem to be a problem for other games - dead space, bioshock, burnout paradise, red faction guerrilla have all downloaded fine. Aquaria pulled an extra 0.5gb, and Awesomenauts resulted in about 1.4gb extra data added to the total download.

I cannot fathom what is causing this - I don't see any router settings that look out of place, and everything else internet related works fine as near as I can tell.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled steam, killed my firewalls, tried beta steam, changed network settings, rebooted everything a million times, changed my preferred steam server, tried downloading different language versions of the game, tried downloading to different drives. After I post this, I'm gonna go log in on a different computer and see if it works there. if that works, I guess the next step would be to reinstall windows, but that doesn't make any sense. flax is unfathomable.

Anybody have any ideas, since, if you hadn't noticed, I am clueless.

EDIT: Works just fine on the other computer. I suppose I'll reinstall windows here and hope that works, but I'm still really confused as to what the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* could be happening.
I would just download it on the other computer and transfer the files. Doesn't fix the problem, but it should get you playing.
vskid3 said:
I would just download it on the other computer and transfer the files. Doesn't fix the problem, but it should get you playing.
I already did, and that did work, but it doesn't really help me in the long run. This computer is actually still really solid, and I'd like to use it as a server/media hub after I build my new gaming box, so I'd like to figure this flax out. I am really hoping it's software, and that a reinstall of windows fixes it - if not, I think I've got a bad networking chip, and if I have to replace my mobo, I wanna do it ASAP, since socket 1155 is end of life.
A PCI Gigabit card and a new Cat6 ethernet cable later, the problem is gone, so whatever, I guess.