Starting small

I don't see how it's offensive on the internet. I mean is cornhole offensive? Is shwug offensive? No they're words and if people take offense to it then they need to get the pacifier out of their ass and grow up. Really, it's the internet nobody gives a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*.
budnespid said:
I don't see how it's offensive on the internet. I mean is cornhole offensive? Is shwug offensive? No they're words and if people take offense to it then they need to get the pacifier out of their ass and grow up. Really, it's the internet nobody gives a *PLINK*.
I dont disagree, but that isnt what its about. The word filter is there so people who want it can have it, and it doesnt do that if it doesnt have a complete lexicon. Plus Im pretty sure it violates the online kids protection act or some flax, and legal compliance is a good idea.
SonyQrio said:
Well, I don't really care. However, that word is politically incorrect. How would you like seeing that if you were an African American?
Politically incorrect? *Can'tSayThisOnTV* off, moron.
I wasn't talking about the word filter, I'm talking about "offensive" words on the internet.
Don't like it? Ask your parents permission before going online :lol:
samjc3 said:
βeta said:
SonyQrio said:
Dear moderators,

Words such as the ones that toast has been posing lately should be "bleeped" out by the word filter.

That is all,
What are you, 11? Turn off your word filter.
Actually, he has a point. The world filter doesnt catch 'Jolly African American', and it seems silly to have a word filter that doesnt filter.
And that was then end of that story, as I went into and proceeded to play with the word filter. :stare:

The only thing which might make that board better is if you sent 1.21 gigawatts of flux-capacital energy straight down the 3.3V line which was wired incorrectly, contacting three of the RAM pins shorting the board making it fly at exactly 88 miles back 30 years giving Shigeru Miyamoto and his team the board, making portablizing hover anywhere and more energy efficient everywhere except over water, in turn saving the human race.
wait so I'm confused is this an n64 thread, a pony thread, or a jolly African American thread? :rofl:
BTW: I just might be slightly half black so i can say this
Yeah this flax can get small. Bud and I have been talking. Lotsa improvements since Beta's OMG thisissmall thread. I assume results and stuff will be posted sometime.
Imma pretty esyted.

I gots an n64 board in front of me, with a pair of pliers and some scissors. The only thing stopping me is having an n64 game to test with.
ToastBucket said:
Yeah this flax can get small. Bud and I have been talking. Lotsa improvements since Beta's OMG thisissmall thread. I assume results and stuff will be posted sometime.
I wanna see what you've got. PM we if you feel like it. Me and Bibin are putting an N64 in an SL68 without wiring anything to the RCP. Pretty cool.