Slot loading PSoneP!


The only thing I have to figure out is...

When I get the PSone drive into the right height to the iMac drive, how do I keep it there?
eurddrue said:
Whoa, I honestly doubted you. And, duct tape solves all problems my friend. ;)
+ 1. thats exactly what i was gonna say! and is eurddrue really banned?
epicelite said:
Well I want a more permanent solution then tape. :rofl:

Epoxy is epically permanent. But you better be Dang sure that you've got it right, because the only way to get it apart is with a saw.
I am not talking about holding it in a spot.

I mean like how to get it into the proper position in the first place.
The Question said:
why? dont bump stuff when you have nothing to add. as for the technique, someone send me a slot loading macbook drive and i wil see if i can make it work. :awesome:
well that's disappionting. I saw this with new posts, thinking that killgood finally pulled this off.

Then I find that it was just some noob bumping.
I will when I get more funding, I just always run out. ;_;

The hard part is trying to get the PSone laser/spindle and the slot loading drive mechanism lined up correctly, if not for that I would have been done AGES ago.
first, massive bump

second, thats a 360.

third, he cant solder :dahroll:

fourth, welcome to the forums!
well i assume he has improved since THE PICTURE was taken, but he certainley ouldnt at one point, and i aint gonna let him forget it. :lol: