SgtApple's Simple Gamecube Portable!

Gamerlolwind said:
SgtAppleXx said:

Not sure how to use the YouTube player, so i'll just link it.

nice, teaser dude
portable looks great.

i noticed that your desk looks alot like mine,

the 4.3 screen is super colourful and perfect for the gamecube.

also SAB 2 is awesome :)


Yeah, the 4.3 inch screens are nice, i'm a little annoyed that i couldn't get a PSOne screen, but oh well.

And yes, SAB 2 is amazing.
Psone screens are way outdated. The ebay screens are easier to use, have smaller mobos, and are way cheaper.
Found some 7.2v 1800 mAh batteries that once powered an RC car, would these be good as a battery for my GcP?
I know that they are big and heavy, but i am short on money and this is all that i have.


If it weren't for the fact that NiCd's are relatively large and heavy, then they'd be fine.
I mean, just because they're Lithium Ion doesn't make it good; there are crappy Li-Po's too.
Like i said, the weight of the batteries doesn't concern me.
I just wanted to know if they would work or not, and how long they would last.
Technically, they'd work with a custom reg, but for so little time that it's not worth it.