
Hello! Its been a long time since i was on this site. I was dead to how this stuff works back then. :) Now I feel ready to do a NES portable. I have an idea of what parts i am going to use, not sure of what screen or batteries i need, but I do know what system I want to use. If you have any tips for a first-time modder feel free to post them.

Parts list:
Batteries: No
Controller: Yes
Case: No
Concept: Yes
Screen: No
Console: Maybe
Re: Possibly a Portable NES

Personally, I would forgo a original NES for a RES (Retro entertainment system) clone. It is super tiny and draws very little power. Like 100 or 200 Ma. The case I used on mine was a XL soft case from OKW that I got as a free sample. It was pretty big for the size of components inside of it. For decent batteries for like 20$ then I would say THIS HERE is the way to go.
Re: Possibly a Portable NES

Not quite. The Retron has slightly worse game compatibility and I can't personally say how small the the mobo really is.
Re: Possibly a Portable NES

Ok, i think i may have a case. Considering the innards are small this should fit with some slight plastic cutting.

...How do you post pictures :confused:
Re: Possibly a Portable NES

Thanks Prog!

Anyways im gonna use one of these for the case if possible: