Newbie planning portable gamecube


Hey everyone i've been looking online for a while now and found all the fantastic portable consoles people have made and decided i want to make a portable Gamecube, i'm completely new to modding consoles, the most i've done is change the case on a DS. The two things im worried/confused about is the case and the battery, i live in the UK and looked at getting a ZN-40 case but the shipping costs are insane so any ideas from you guys will be welcomed. Gamecube has been ordered just gotta buy the various other parts and get started :) will post pictures of how it goes but would appreciate any advice and help you can give me.
Thanks :)
Well, the first bit of advice for an utter noob is this: READ. EVERY. MEGASTICKY. I cannot stress this enough. Even if you've read them all already, read 'em through another 4-5 times, just to be sure you have at least a basic understanding of every element of portablizing. Secondly, make sure you have the budget and the workspace/tools. If you don't have the budget available immediately, expect to have a half-assembled rig lying around for a while. Lastly, always double and triple check your wires before powering everything. It's very easy to overvolt a board by hooking it up wrong.

That's all the general info I can give. Beyond that, it's all about experience and troubleshooting. Good luck!
Thanks a bunch guys ill sure to read and re-read everything i look at, im going to have to do it in chunks as i dont have all the parts as of yet so i shall be patient, and ill let you know how it goes.
right been a long while since i last posted, past year hasn't been so good so have had to put this on hold, im bck now and still collecting a few things, was curious as to what you guys think of me using a gamecube screen for this project or if i should use something more modern cheers.