New Ps1 portable?

Hey, ive been gone from this site for a while and now i think i might make a PS1 Portable. Leave ideas and suggestions below.

I'm also in the process of making a PSP. :)
If I understand it right can the PS1 only output 320x240 so a screen with higher resolution than that would not be needed. There is screens with that resolution on eBay that are 4::3:, 4,3" and only costs round 20-25 USD.
Like this one

Can be bought here

I'm using two VHS tapes ABS cemented together as the case. If I measured it correctly, it should fit an untrimmed PSOne.

You should also include a modchip that lets you play backups :)
If you want to make something a bit different/cooler, hunt down one of the later original playstations. The board is actually smaller than a PS0ne, though longer and less wide. Fits perfectly in a gamegear ;)