MozStation worklog


I have been lurking around these part for a long time, just waiting for the time I have the funds to build my own portable, well, I do now, I´ve got everything I need on order, and I just have to wait for the packages to start arriving.

So today I was bored of waiting for my packages, and I started thinking, where the Heck am I gonna build this thing? I have no room anywhere. So I had to do something that I´ve promised myself I wouldn´t do... and that means venturing into the shed that hasn´t been opened in the 6 years I´ve lived here. I fought my way through the long wild lawn that I haven´t mowed in months, dodging the dogflax which appeared to be surrounding me. I battled my way through this forest and luckily made it out unscathed, and before I knew it; I was before the menacing, rusted shut door of the shed. I pulled, and I tugged, but the door wouldn´t budge. But then I summoned the will to use my super awesome kung-fu karate kick™ and the door magically opened. Oh look a pic:

I opened the door further to reveal a wonderland of vines and spiderwebs. Oh look another pic, full of blurriful goodness:

As I stood inside (after a mass de-webification with the end of a broom) I felt the floor crumbled beneath me, I looked down, and to my horror the floor was rotten through. and oh lucky you, another pic:

While watching my step (so I didn´t fall through to Heck). I peered around the shed, and I felt hundreds of eyes peering back, the largest of which was this:

HOLY flax BURN IT WITH FIRE! (SS can I borrow your flame thrower? :lol: ) , alright no fire for me, but maybe water will kill this foul beast.

Well... that didnt´t go to plan, and I got a face full of dogflax. So after washing up I decided to go with a different plan..

Please excuse my brother at the end :p
Got the Playstation.
After that victory I decided to start getting rid of the rest of the spider webs with my broom. after only a few seconds I pulled my broom out with another beast on its end:

Luckily this one was already dead.

And after all this work, I realised that this shed was uninhabitable, there was no hope, the walls were rusted through, the floor was a path directly to Heck, and the roof has more holes than I can fix. I have lost hope. Where will I build my PSp now? maybe I could clear some room on my desk;

No, that isn´t possible.

Meh, I will find a way.

also in the last pic there is a quick preview of my batteries and speakers, both are relatively huge.

I think I may have gotten a bit out of hand there, once I start getting the peices I need, I´ll get back on topic.

(also all images are clickable thumbnails)

EDIT: forgot a pic.
Re: My first (yet to be named) PSp -worklog

If every post you make has a story like that, we might just keep you around. ;)

But seriously I hope you can find a suitable place to work.
Re: My first (yet to be named) PSp -worklog

That was pretty awesome.

Good luck on the portable, hope you find a good place to work ::3:
Re: My first (yet to be named) PSp -worklog

Depending on how bad the place is, you could just use some caulking to seal up the holes in the walls and put some waffleboard over the rotted flooring. It'd work fine for something like a general workspace.

If you could get it refurbished slightly, do you have a way of getting power to the shed? If not, it might be a little bit dangerous, but you could just run some extension cords from your house into one of the rusted holes in the shed.

I gotta commend that first post, that took a lot of time and effort to make all that.
Re: My first (yet to be named) PSp -worklog

Small (rather unnecessary) update:

I found a nice workbench concealed under a pile of wood in my front yard so Iĺl be using that from now on.

And never try this instructable: I ended up getting some extremely painful friction burns from trying to coil it, then it looked like flax so I gave up; I guess that's what I deserve for cheaping out, I´ll have to buy one soon. of course I might of just done it wrong, and got injured because of my own stupidity...

Hopefully I´ll have some proper updates when I get my PSone and stuff.

also I´m thinking about calling it the MozStation, anyone got any better ideas?
Re: My first (yet to be named) PSp -worklog

I´ve got one package per day for the past three days;

Day one; I got my Kahfill (Bondo)
Day two; I got my 120 block switching memory card
and day 3; I got the PSone and controller.

I haven opened anything as there would be no point, as my soldering iron a ´sploded (I´ve got one ordered that should come in a week or so).

Anyway I was thinking of layout, and thought this would be most comfortable;

(clickable thumbnail)
with start, select & analogue buttons being where the big yellow danger sticker is. And all the ´L´ and ´R´ buttons being on the back (or front technically) above the open/close and power buttons are (which I may or may not keep).

Ideas? Suggestions? Criticism?

EDIT: I just realised something, I went to Jaycar (the ratshack of Australia) to get some caps for my amp. I asked for 0.47uf, and I only just noticed that he gave me 47uf, I wonder if it would still work...
Re: My first (yet to be named) PSp -worklog


I did a bit of soldering today, although all I have done is connecting the battery to the protection circuit. Pic:

Sorry about the terrible quality, my sister stole the camera so I had to use my phone.

oops I accidentally uploaded a picture of one of my dogs... meh, take a look if you want :p

I am still waiting on the screen, but everything else I need, I have.

More pets updates to come.

EDIT: I thought it might be worth mentioning that I mowed that almost-impossible-to-mow lawn
Re: My first (yet to be named) PSp -worklog

I redid the batteries today to give it more room for movement:

And my brand new soldering iron is almost unusable (I should stop buying the cheap flax from ebay).

Quick question:
where do I hook up the charger jack?
I have finally got around to working on my portable again.
I've successfully powered on my Playstation using the batteries, a big thanks to SS for his play/switch diagram it works perfectly.

I have run into a small problem though. I bought the same screen that many people have been having problems with and it doesnt seem to work at all, so I need a new screen, but I'm broke, so my next update will come when I can afford a new sceen and progress further.

Also I renamed it to the MozStation.

EDIT: Yay, I have karma! :p

EDIT 2: Is this a good screen?
also check the second image for the lulz
Hi guys after a long hiatus I am finally back on modretro and working on my PSp, I haven't made any progress for the 6 months I've been away, until now. Anyway the video pretty much sums up what is going on with it. Please watch :)

(Also :pony:s are awesome :D )
Ok, I am not sure how it happened, but overnight my psone died. It wasn't connected to power or anything so it makes very little sense. So for now considered this project back on hold, until I can afford a new psone and screen.