Modretro! Can you help vote for me?!? PWEEZ! <3<3<3


Well-Known Member
Happy Independence weekend everyone!

Recently, I entered into the flowtoys picture contest. I would be much appreciative of you all, if you could click both links and vote for me. I entered twice.

Poi has been a big passion of mine for about 6 years now. I love sharing magical colors and light with friends and strangers to enjoy all around them. Just trying to add more color into the world! Flow is a form of meditation for me and every year I improve so much. This would really boost my confidence!!!

Thank you so much everybody. I never really have won a contest worth talking about, and I KEEP LOSING FIRST PLACE!!! S.O.S.!!! It would be a nice surprise to my summer.

Don't forget to click both links!

I hope you all are well! I have been busy working full time as a stain and lacquer specialist at a paint store. So painting has been a breeze for me and projects lately. I am currently building an attiny85 micro handheld console with rechargeable battery. I will post it soon. By the way, if you haven't checked out my raspberry pi portable you can see it on my hackaday page!

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I edited the links. They should work now. And no, I didn't get into anime until a few years ago.

Hadouken! are a band, but it's a good job I didn't put that £10 on, or i'd of lost that £10