Gebby's Slim Xbox Laptop


Top-loading xbox=Success
Bo brought an xbox drive with him that I was able to use as reference to make sure everything lined up right.

It's just a matter of putting a GC spindle in the same place as the stock one.
More work done on the top loading. I've trimmed it all down a bit and built a mount for the laser and motor into the disc tray.






Been doing some work on my case and experimented with the PSU some. I figured out you can run the xbox without 3.3v.

So you only need 5 wires to the xbox: 5v standby, 5v switched, 12v switched, ground, and powerON

Meaning you can theoretically run it off of a 360 slim PSU with a few transistors and a 12v to 5v step down regulator.






It doesn't need -12v or whatever craziness? Have you by chance measured the current draw for each line? My xbox may be getting some loving soon...
Got some TI Samples ordered to play around with, and throwing a couple of links at myself so I can remember ... 1242137911 ... 0U00925215

The goal here is to make it so I don't need an especially fancy external supply to run it. If it can run off of a stock 360S psu, I think that would be sexy as Heck, so that's what I'm going for.

While we're here, ... 1884695%26
I thinking these should work for turning power on, but I don't know enough about transistors to be sure.
I have to use a 3.3V signal to switch on a 5v 3.6A line and a 12V 0.8A line. Should one of these on each line work, or am I stupid?
Says you.

Didn't we just have a discussion on how sexy early cold war era tech is?
Well, the regulators came in the mail yesterday, and I just ordered a 360S power brick and power plug thing, so the PSU stuff will start happening soonish or something.
In yet another "I ordered parts and that's totally progress!" Update...
I ordered headers and flax so that I can have a sexy inside...
I also just noticed that I completely forgot to order like 6 other things from mouser that I needed as well... damnit. I'll make do without or wait until I feel like paying for shipping again, I suppose...
In the meantime, I can't quite figure out how I'm going to fit everything. The hard drive is just painfully big and I refuse to do a softmod or install a chip... this time around, anyway...
I think that I suggested this on the other forum once upon a time, but have you considered extracting the EEPROM from your box and just locking a laptop HDD with stock everything and the EEPROM from your motherboard?

I remember that this project was to try to keep it as stock as possible, and in that spirit I am not suggesting a softmod or hard mod, but a new "stock" hard drive that would be physically smaller.

It is possible to extract the EEPROM without modding it as well....
FALSE ALARM! Just leaving notes for myself. :p ... =Default|0

As far as putting a new drive in, I just flat out refuse. I'm not going to try to find loopholes, especially when they are as stupid and expensive as that would be.
I can still make this work, it's just going to be a challenge... Oh no, not a challenge in fitting everything...

In other news, I got the 360S PSU in, and I've done a little more research into how I'm going to wire up power. I've done the easiest part of it all: Figuring out what resistors to use with my regulator... Now I need to figure out what transistors to put where to make it all turn on right. I get bonus points if I can make the light on the PSU behave like it would for a 360.

However, my weekend is over and I have a few other projects to be working on, so no telling when the next update will be.