Battery help

Basement_Modder said:
More watts=more heat=more likely to burn and *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up the board.

However, 45 watters with small tips are great for RCP wiring/ exp. pak relocations, as you can touch for 1 second and it's done.
Not sure about 45, but I have a 30 watt weller that works well (lol pun) for me. It heat joints much quicker, so cart slot relocations and the like don't take as long.
Well, I have used a 45 watt weller with a super thin pointed tip, and it was so much easier to use than any iron, as you just had to gently dab the solder and it was done.
can someone find me a link to a good soldering iron

one that can adjust wattage (15 to 40 watts)

and mini as well :awesome:

it can be around 20$ to 80$ the price may go to 100$ as well

thank you
It happens, all the time, deal with it, unless you try and swallow the iron, you'll live, just, *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing, do it.
jleemero said:
It happens, all the time, deal with it, unless you try and swallow the iron, you'll live, just, Linking, do it.
amen. you took the words right out of my mouth. :awesome:
ok if you guys have seen page 1

you will notice ss cut the wire of the battery

so I plan to do that to day

let me get this stright I cut the wire with a small knife

and then I strip the another wire then..

I tin the wire..

and place it it the metal part

so am I correct
is this ok...

when ever i put my soldering iron on the holder it leans upward and touches the metal spiral

so.... is it ok if the soldering iron touches the holder's metal