4 Painted Controllers


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys, you may know some of these already, but I though I'd present them all in one video. I hope this is interresting enough for you.. Anyways, video + PICS :awesome: :
Hope you can endure my accent...





I really put some though into that portal one, hope it turned out to be as good as I thought it'd be..

High Res pics :
http://nsa30.casimages.com/img/2012/07/ ... 760948.jpg
http://nsa30.casimages.com/img/2012/07/ ... 204898.jpg
http://nsa29.casimages.com/img/2012/07/ ... 111374.jpg
http://nsa29.casimages.com/img/2012/07/ ... 469455.jpg
Wow, those are stunning. I still don't really get the method for the blue controller, but it looks absolutely amazing.
Blue GC controller is especially awesome. I see in the video that your girlfriend did the blue stuff. Was it decoupage?
Yeah, that must be it, I don't know the right word in English.
It is really thin paper torn more or less randomly and then glued applying a varnish with a brush.
Then X-acto-ing the excess and clearcoat to make everything shiny and level.
Glad to see you guys like it, it's one of my favourites since it is really unconventional.. And blue !